Sunday, March 8, 2009

Sweet Rolls

Ok, it has been a while. Bibik is away, well cuti tak balik2 lagi. end of this month baru balik.

Anyway, here a recipe for sweet rolls:

1/2 cup of milk
1/2 cup of water
1/3 sugar
1 packet of yeast (11 g)

Mixed the milk and water (make sure it is warm). If not, just put it in microwave for 50 s. Dissolve the sugar in the liquid. Dissolve the yeast and let it stand for 20 minutes.

1 egg (grade A)
1/3 cup of butter
1 tsp of salt
3.5 cup flour (you can use bread flour or multipurpose flour)

Mixed all ingredients. Knead thoroughly until none of the flour stick to your hand or the bowl. It should be cleaned. I dont use mixer but only "Girrrl" power. It is good exercise, burn few fat here before developing more fat from the bread that I ate!! Anyway, covers the dough with damp cloth for 40 min to one hour or until it is double from its original size (this is called proving process).

After one hour, punch it the dough to release all the gas that was developed during the proving process. Form a small ball, put in the baking dish. Brush it with butter. Bake at 200 C for 15 ~ 20 minutes. You can put filling inside the bun too if you wish.